Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Ok so I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything for a while, but unfortunately my camera fell in the water:( yeah long story lol, and I'm one of those people that is visual so I have to have pictures. Plus, my computer got a virus and I just got it fixed so there's problem number two. Yeah, pretty much there was a week where it was lame and everything that could go wrong did! Ok, not everything but pretty close haha. Ok, so here are some of the things that have happened in the past month or so please don't get bored with the superlong post.....

JAZZ GAME!!! I went to the Jazz vs. Lakers Playoffs game on 4/23/09. This is the first Jazz game I'd ever been to and only the second basketball game I've ever been to in my life, yeah I'm weird :P But it was so frickin awesome!!! Even though me and Manny were rooting for the Lakers (don't shoot me!! lol), we still had fun and it was a really good game! I found out player number 18 on the Lakers is named Sasha Vujacic, yeah my name is awesome! haha The Jazz won by 2 points and exiting the Energy Solutions Arena was hilarious! People kept telling us that the Lakers sucked haha, and asking us where Kobe Bryant was. Some people are so crazy!! There was even some guy that had a tattoo of the Jazz logo on his bum!! I didn't get a picture of that obviously but it was funny hahaha. Well, here are some pictures of the players and Manny with his Lakers shirt on in the middle of Jazz hysteria and yes, the Jazz fans ARE the loudest fans ever!

Then...the next event was when my family all went to Thanksgiving Point Gardens for lunch and the unfortunate event of my camera falling in the water occured :(...Well, it still kindof works but my pics are all fuzzy. So here are the pictures that my cousin took of me. He wants to be a photographer and took a bunch of pics of me to put a portfolio together for school. There's some pics of some awesome geese we saw and then there's the pic of where the camera fell into the water...sigh. He's only 14 but I think he did a pretty good job...ok except for the first picture of the tulips I took that one...and the one of the geese! lol. But here are the pics and yeah, yeah, they're a little cheesy but hey, he's only 14 and I'm not a model so cut us some slack! lol jk...hope you have fun looking at them!!

Ok, so the most recent thing to happen is that I moved out!!! I've been wanting to move out for like over 3 years now and unfortunately it hadn't worked out before. I now live in Lehi even though at first I was really reluctant to move far from Orem...lol it's only like 20 minutes tops, but it was still a change. At first I was kind of freaked out that I was going to be living pretty much alone...my roomate works nights 3-4 nights a week and the other days she is asleep or I am at work so I don't see much of her. So I did take some pictures but as we know my camera fell in the water at Thanksgiving Point so the pictures are fuzzy. I will post new ones when the condo is all decorated so these are just temporary. Well...enjoy the fuzzy pictures but thanks for checkin out the blog and sorry for this superlong post!!! I promise I won't take so much time in between posts next time!!