Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Year...

Holy cow!!! So first I'm going to apologize for this SUPER LONG post. But to the request of my fantabulous friend Jessica :) I have finally finished this post. Ok, so for the update of how my year has gone since...oh last August here goes! The pictures go from newest up top to oldest down bottom...and they are out of order too so I am really sorry for the disorganization..but at least you can see them, right? Anyway, so, for this year I have learned quite a bit! I've learned a ton about myself and I have had so much fun with my new friends! Ok, so I'm not sure what all you guys have seen or read on my blog, but last year after I went to Disneyland it was pretty much just amazingness ever since!!
-So my friend Allyson introduced me to my new friends Amy and Brittany. I stinking love them and you can see them throughout my pics down here. After we went to Disneyland, Brittany and I went to the Josh Gracin concert with our other friend Emily and we actuallly got to meet him! You can see in the pics where we were super close! We even got his autograph! It was so cool and he is a really nice person!
-Then, Allyson, Brittany, Amy and I went to Park City for a weekend...can't remember if there are pics up here of it, but we had a great night and went to the hot tub and just had some fun as a girls night!
-I MOVED!!! My roommate Katy got married and with this awesome news :) came the separation of my first apartment being away from home :( I lived there for exactly 1 and a half years and I absolutely loved it!!! But, with new things going on like that I had to move and now live in Orem. I live in a nice apartment that is close to work and my family and I love it!...even though I do miss my old roommate. BUT!!! My friends came over for a little housewarming dealeo and we decorated some cute little gingerbread houses. It was really fun!
-I spent Christmas and New Years with family and sadly got no pics :(
-January was an awesome month. This is when I just started to learn so much about myself!! I have learned so much about people in general but it was interesting to finally start learning about myself. I have been put in the paths of some amazing people and I started taking discussions with Missionaries in the LDS church and have learned quite a lot! I took some pics of them...they are so amazing! Elder Bitton is from California and he is just freaking the bomb! Elder Iopu is from Samoa and he was eating a Samoa girl scout cookie! haha we all thought it was
-I've just been having fun with my family and it was my cute little nephew Maurice's birthday in March and also my little brother JuanDiego. They both are amazing and I love them so much. I sadly...again got no pics of my little brother on his birthday.
-I went to a Jazz game with my little brother Raul and it was great! The Jazz won so it was just a good night with my little bro!
-In March I got to go to 2 concerts that were pretty awesome! The first one I got to go to was Saving Abel. I had gone to see them a couple years ago when Nickleback came but I missed them performing because we got there a little late. But, with patience, they came back and I got to go to see them with my friend Justine. It was really fun and we got to see some other local bands that were pretty good too!
The other concert I got to go to was Lady Gaga. Holy!! This concert finally came after we bought our tickets like 8 months ago. My cousin Ruben is a HUGE...seriously HUGE fan of hers. So I went with him and my other cousin Lupita and it actually was one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Although I might not like her as much as my cousin does and I don't agree with some of her crazy antics...her talent really is undeniable. She has an amazing voice!
-Yes...that leperchaun is me. On St. Patrick's Day. It was genius and I loved it.
-April was a fun month as well! It was sad because Elder Iopu was transferred in March but then Elder Bitton was transferred as well in April. It was so sad to see him go! But that's what Facebook is for! Anyway, then Easter was so much fun! I got to color eggs with my family and then we had an awesome Easter egg hunt too! I just LOVE my family!
-May....oh May...this month has been soo good so far! I mean I know we are only like what 11 days into it but it really has treated me well. For the amazing Cinco de Mayo I had the best day ever!!! I had this awesome shirt that I bought in Mexico and I just wore it after 5 years of owning it! I got some sombreros and we made margaritas had chips and salsa with dip! It really was the best day ever!
-Today it was my BFF Hettie's bday! She is 23 and I love her so much! Her and I became friends when we were in the 5th grade! I started talking to her when we were doing our USA maps and I told her that I could sharpen my pencil with scissors...yes I know dorky..but it led to the best friendship ever! I love her so much and she was there for me when I was in my ugliest, most dorkiest, weirdest stage ever and I she will always have a spot in my heart! My other awesome friend from 3rd grade is in our pic too...Hettie is the one with cool big hair and Shianne is my other friend who is wearing glasses. Happy Birthday to you mi amiga!! :)
Well...If I missed captions on any of my pics and you have questions let me know...this is superlong and I am so sorry I have bored you!

But I will be going to Mexico in June and I will be updating then so I don't get behind. I hope that those of you who do read my blog have fun checking it out! Thanks :)

Hettie :)

Shianne, Hettie, Me
Me and Hettie

Cute girl!

The best margaritas ever! :)

Dr. Johnson on Cinco de Mayo
The tough Mexican that I am...
...I feel like I look like a chola.

My cousin Mariel and me on Easter
My family after the Easter Egg hunt
Elder Iopu ---^
Elder Bitton and Me
My cousin Sindi and I coloring eggs
My cousin Matt coloring eggs too..and Jaimie in the background!
Me and my cute...nephew I think?..big family lol Cute little Jordan!
Jessica and I at girls night for work...we are just tight like spandex! :)
The Easter eggs...I made one that said I <3 Jesus lol
Lady Gaga wannabes and my cousins
Ruben, me, Lupita
Lady Gaga!
St. Patty's Day!
The Jazz Game

Elder Iopu, Elder Bitton and the girls!
Some flowers my friends got me..they are amazing!
They were gorgeous when they opened up!

Me and Justine rockin out at Saving Abel!
My cute nephew Maurice that I just love with all my heart!

He is soo big!! He is 9 already!
The kids that I live roommate has 2 cute little babies! Lexi and Landon!
Me holding my friend Amy's cute little newborn Keagen!

Me with my grill on...thas ain't messin wit me!
Josh Gracin!!!...well that's a random man but we were at his concert!


Some pics my cousin Ruben did for me for fun..he was practicing!

My friends went to India for a humanitarian project and this was a fundraiser they did!

My friend Brittany's birthday at the rodeo!

My daddy's birthday!
So many candles!!!
My little bros and my dad with me!
He really wanted a coffemaker lol

gingerbread house decorating!!