Wednesday, May 30, 2012


It's been such a long time since I've posted on here and there has been so much happen! I'll have to update later, but there are a few things that I am very excited about that I hope go through. 
Recently, I have been thinking a lot of ways that I can serve people around me.  I've had so many people be there for me when I have really needed them and I only hope that I can be that person to someone.  I would love to make a difference in this world, even if it is with small things. 
Last year, I joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I am thankful that I have this church in my life.  I know that everyone has different opinions and I absolutely respect them, so I am also grateful that there have been so many people that although aren't LDS and don't agree with our views, have supported me as well and respected this decision. 
I've wanted to do so much more for people and I've made a decision that is pretty big for me.  I've learned that I used to be so much more flaky than I am now.  I have done pretty good at keeping to doing what I say and although I still have some doubts in my mind, I know that it is what I need to do in my life and I am constantly reminded that this is the path I need to take next. 

I have decided to serve a mission for the LDS Church.  I've had to think and pray about this a lot.  I mean a lot.  The thought first crossed my mind when I was talking to my friend about going to Las Vegas last September.  I wondered how big the LDS faith was there and we were discussing missionary work and such.  She mentioned that she thought I would make a great missionary.  I didn't know what to say since that wasn't really on my mind.  After that, the thought of going on a mission kept coming into my mind and I wasn't sure why.  During October 2011 conference, there was a talk: Missionaries Are a Treasure of the Church by Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita, and this really helped me with my thoughts.  It really is a great talk. Even after receiving confirmation then, I wasn't sure if I wanted to face the opposition my family would give me.  After April 2012 conference, every talk I heard was all about really doing and being what the gospel is for us and I was again reminded of missionary work.  I have been praying since that October conference for help in my path.  I have finally found it.  I recently spoke with my bishop and I will be putting in my papers in so I can leave by the end of this year.  I am putting my availability date until the end of the year because I still have to save up for it and also, I feel like it would be a great time to spend with my family before I leave for 18 months and can only speak to them through e-mail. 

Although I haven't posted in a while, I will try to keep you as updated as possible in my life from here until I leave.  I have a bucket list that I need some help with, so I'll be putting that on here soon! Also, with the decision to leave on a mission, I also get to go through the temple soon! I will let you know when and which one and maybe we can have a little get together after? I'm not sure, but I will let you know. 

Hope your Memorial Day was awesome!!


  1. Sasha! This is incredible and amazing. I'm so happy and proud and moved by this announcement. You are such a wonderful, giving person and I feel so blessed to know you. I'm so happy that you've found a way to serve people and your Father in Heaven. You will
    blessed beyond measure. Love you!

  2. I love, love, love you! And I'm so excited for you!
